

As a Kansas City based Social Practice Artist, my work is a modality for creating social cohesion and inciting greater progressive community change. When we come together through art and spiritual practices, we get to know each other beyond our cultural labels of identity. We expand our perception of who we are and what we are capable of, both collectively and as individuals. If we view accountability and mutuality as love languages, we are able to find ways to heal ourselves and the community around us. We create beauty through connection...and that makes the world around us a kinder and safer place for all of us.

In addition to maintaining an active community based practice,  I currently serve as the Resident Artist and Studio Coordinator at Wyandot Mental Health Center.  I have a BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute where I graduated in 2010. 

"We live in uncertain times--isolated and disconnected from nature, ourselves, and our fellow human. Sometimes the most radical thing we can do is learn to love each other; it is the only thing that will save us."